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Conference reception and poster session

Track A
Track B
Track C
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM


Finger-food and drinks at Radisson Blue Royal Garden Hotel combined with poster session.


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Kaan Akkaş
University of Bergen

Investigating the interaction of structural vibration and noise in an offshore wind turbine using OpenFOAM

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Abdulelah Abdullah Al-Ghuwaidi

Application of OMA for Low-Frequency Modes Detection in FOWT: Numerical Study on OC4-DeepCwind Semi-Submersible

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Sithik Aliyar

Force Analysis of Heave Plate Dynamics with Stochastic motion in Irregular waves

Marta Alvir
University of Rijeka

Model of the flow around offshore wind turbine foundations based on a one-way nesting technique

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Marcos Araújo

The influence of atmospheric stability on floating-lidar-observed turbulence intensity and its correction via machine learning

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Haozhe Bai

Load effect analysis of semi-submersible floating wind turbine tower, considering high-order wave loading excitation

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Mostafa Bakhoday Paskyabi
University of Bergen

Trends in Future of Offshore Wind Power Production: Wake, Fatigue Loads, and Climate Change Impacts

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Mostafa Bakhoday Paskyabi
University of Bergen

Underwater Operational Noise from Floating Wind Turbines: A Case Study in Hywind Tampen Offshore Park

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Elif Ecem Baş
RD Test Systems A/S

Geographically distributed hybrid testing for wind turbine components using co-simulation

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Matteo Baudino Bessone
Delft University of Technology

Relevance of life-cycle trade-offs in substructure concepts selection for floating wind turbines

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Hans Bernhoff
Uppsala University

Characterizing Power Losses in High-Capacity CRAFT Wind Turbine Converters

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Andrea Bertozzi
Politecnico di Torino

Innovative calibration procedure of numerical models for FOWTs: an experimental validation

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Alessandro Bianchini
Università Degli Studi Di Firenze

An insight on FOWT wake development through high-fidelity simulations of a pitching rotor

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Ute Brönner

SEADOTs – Socio-ecological ocean management applications using Digital Ocean Twins

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Hoang Hai Bui
University of Bergen

Low-level jets representation in numerical models: insights from LiDAR observations

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Valentin Chabaud
SINTEF Energy Research AS

Power fluctuations from offshore wind farms for various farm sizes and wind conditions

Adriana Correia Da Silva

Prediction of air gap uncertainty in a rotary transformer of a novel wind turbine concept

Adriana Correia Da Silva

Optimal jacket leg-joint transitions

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Alessandro Croce
Politecnico di Milano

On the preliminary integrated design of a 10MW floating wind turbine

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Viktor Dahl

Spatial Wind Energy Correlation and Intermittency: Wake Effects of 15MW Turbines in the North Sea

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Liam Dauchat

Grid and Market Impacts of Norwegian Offshore Wind Using the Power GAMA Simulation Tool

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Orla Jane Donnelly
University of Strathclyde

The impact of sea ice on offshore wind farm operations and maintenance

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Carlos Renan Dos Santos
Institute for Energy Technology

Integrated Control Strategy for Mitigating Yaw Drift in Single-Point Moored Floating Wind Turbines

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Alex Eckl

Implementing Uncrewed Surface Vessels for subsea inspection and survey in offshore windfarm O&M.

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Dylan S. Edirisinghe
South East Technological University

Development of a Computational Model to replicate WARER Experiments for Blade Erosion Studies

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Irene Eguinoa Erdozain

Study of the impact on offshore wind energy of subtropical weather conditions.

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Mathis Feuvrie
GeM - Ecole Centrale de Nantes

Dynamic Stiffness of Nylon Ropes under Harmonic and Stochastic Loading: Experimental Characterisation and Modelling.

Dallán Friel
Gavin and Doherty Geosolutions

Reference Mooring Design and Dynamic Cable Configuration for the Utsira Nord Floating Wind Farm

Moritz Johann Gräfe
DTU Wind and Energy Systems

Impact of reliability parameters on O&M costs and greenhouse gas emissions of offshore wind farms

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Yoon-Jin Ha
Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering

An Experimental Study on the Statistical Instability of a 15MW Class FOWT

Seung-Yoon Han
Ecole Centrale Nantes

Numerical modeling and validation of the hydroelastic response of a flexible spar platform

Hauke Hartmann
GICON Großmann Ingenieur Consult GmbH

Development of a modular and production-optimized floating multi-purpose platform

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Aaron Henskens
Mocean Offshore

Environmental lumping methods for floating wind turbines

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Lars Andreas Hermansen

Offshore wind curtailment in future grids

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Ole Andreas Hermundstad

Tight coupling of simulation tools for offshore wind turbines using a centralized solver

Robert Indergård

A new cost-effective concept for heavy maintenance of FOWTs by use of large OSCV

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Sylvain Jamet

Coupled vibrations of rigid floaters suporting flexible towers

Jazzie Jao
De La Salle University Manila

Perspectives from Urban Morphology for Sustainable Urban Wind Energy Technology

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Samuel Kainz
Technical University of Munich

An initial study on the environmental value of wind farm control

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Mitra Kamidelivand
University College Cork

Farm-Level Risk Prioritization of Structural and Substructural Failure Modes in Floating Offshore Wind Arrays

Hiroaki Kashima
Port and Airport Research Institute

Response Analysis of Monopile-Supported Large Offshore Wind Turbine under Wind, Wave, and Earthquake Loads

Olav Katle Fleten

Power cable fatigue in floating wind turbines

Arvind Keprate
Oslo Metropolitan University

Framework for Evaluating Influence of Physiological and Environmental Performance Shape Factors on Wind Turbine Maintenance

Arvind Keprate
Oslo Metropolitan University

Knowledge Graph-Driven Anomaly Detection in Wind Turbines Using SCADA Datasets

Young Jun Kim
Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering

Simulations of a floating offshore wind turbine in irregular waves by coupling OpenFOAM and OpenFAST

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Yong Yook Kim
Institute for Advanced Engineering

Floating Offshore Wind Cost Optimization Strategy to Enable a Rapid Energy Transition

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Susumu Kono
Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.

Simulation and Modeling of Power Take-Off Dynamics in Floating Axis Wind Turbine

David Lande-Sudall
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

Hydrodynamic comparison of 1:40 and 1:100 Froude-scale models of a lightly moored WINDMOOR semi-submersible

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Vincent Leroy
Centrale Nantes

Numerical model-of-the-model validation of a FOWT based on a real-time hybrid test campaign

Ivana Lučin
Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka

Analysis of offshore wind energy harvesting potential in the Adriatic sea

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Erik Maatje
NTNU / TU Delft

The design of Offshore Green Hydrogen production platforms state-of-the-art and industrial practices.

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Shokoufeh Malekmohammadi
University of Bergen

High resolution wind lidar observation of Kelvin-Helmholtz billows above an offshore wind farm

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Rebeca Marini
Vrije Universiteit Brussel

An assessment of the metocean conditions between two North Sea offshore economic zones

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Guy McCauley
University of Western Australia

Conditioning analysis of tower bending moment measurements from the TetraSpar Demonstrator floating wind turbine

Joseph Mee
University of Galway

Mooring Systems for Arrays of Vertical-Axis Turbines in Deep Water

Joseph Mee
University of Galway

MEGA4Wind - A floating megawatt scale VAWT for wind energy generation off the Irish Coast.

Robert Menke
DNV Energy Systems Germany GmbH

Innovative Dual Scanning Lidar Campaign for Near-Shore Wind Resource Assessment: Insights into Coastal Wind Dynamics

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Franz Volker Mühle
TUM Wind Energy Institute

Design of a two-bladed teetering downwind rotor for wind tunnel testing

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Eckehard Müller
Bochum University of Applied Sciences

Enhancement of weld seams by shot peening at off-shore constructions

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Borja Navascues
Saitec Offshore Technologies

Advancing Floating Offshore Wind Technology: Three-way validation of the 2MW DemoSATH Prototype

Hoa Thi Nguyen
University of Bergen

Numerical simulation of mooring lines: nodal and isogeometric discrete formulations and computations

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Bjørn Eirik Rognskog Nordbak

Leveraging Data-Driven Techniques in LiDAR and SCADA Data to Enhance Analysis of Floating Offshore Windfarm

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Bjørn Eirik Rognskog Nordbak

Wind Farm Layout Optimization Using Machine Learning-Enhanced Wake Modeling and SLSQP Optimization Techniques

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Mohammad Arif Payenda
University of Agder (UiA)

Prediction of Mooring Tension of a Floating Wind Turbine Using Motion Sensors and Neural Networks

Johan Peeringa

Potential Benefits of Including Motion Sickness Predictions in an Offshore Wind Operational Planning Tool

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Julien Pélé
Ekium (Sofresid Engineering)

Simplified wind turbine models for floating substructure design

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Jelle Plets
Ghent University

Converting laser scans of tubular joints to finite element models for detailed stress analysis

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Ajie Brama Krishna Pribadi
Ghent University

Open-access simulation dataset of the floating wind turbine DeepCwind OC4 semi-submersible in wind and waves

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Paul Renaud
France Energies Marines

Improved Monte Carlo-Simulation method for OWT design exposed to tropical cyclones

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Joachim Reuder

SAMURAI - Making sonic anemometers fly

Bruno Roccia
University of Bergen

On the effect of substructure motions on the aerodynamic loads of floating offshore wind turbines

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Peter Joshua Rohrer

Gradient-based design optimization of floating wind turbines using surrogate models for hydrodynamic coefficients

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Rune Schlanbusch
NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS

Dynamic Analysis of Anchor Loads for a Floating Offshore Wind Farm

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Milad Shadman
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

A Concrete Floating Platform for large-scale Offshore Wind Turbines

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Ashlesh Sadashiv Sharma
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

Estimation of Nonlinear Froude-Krylov Forces using a Fully Nonlinear Potential Flow Model

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Katharina Simmen

Sensor technology for robotic welding of wind turbine substructures

Izabella Simonsson
Uppsala University

Design of multipole induction machine of an experimental stationary setup for the CRAFT

Andrew Macmillan Smith

Passivity characteristics of three virtual synchronous machine implementations

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Yunpeng Song
University of Tokyo

Prediction of vertical profiles of offshore wind considering the effects of atmospheric stratification

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David Stamenov
Aarhus University

Verification of an Optimal Experimental Design Procedure for Identifying Low frequency Added Mass and Damping

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David Stamenov
Aarhus University

Experimental verification of a data-driven estimation of higher-order transfer functions

Leendert Starink
TU Delft

Optimal Control of a Floating Wind Farm Based on Turbine Repositioning

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Adam Stock
Heriot-Watt University

A Wind to Hydrogen Model for Design of Off-Grid Wind to Hydrogen Systems

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Harald Svendsen

Wind-powered offshore energy hubs supplying offshore oil and gas installations

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Bonaventura Tagliafierro
Uppsala University

In-simulation Wind Load Estimation on Floating Wind Turbines using High-fidelity Modeling

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Long Teng
Zhejiang University

A “plan-control” Hierarchical Controller for multi-objective performance enhancement of offshore wind turbines

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Thomas Treider
SINTEF Energy Research

Long HVAC subsea cable connections: review of technical challenges and research needs

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Thomas Treider
SINTEF Energy Research

Cost-saving potential of utilizing a shared electrical connection to shore for an offshore wind farm and a cluster of oil and gas platforms

Vasileios Tsiolakis

Digital Twins for Offshore Wind Energy

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Caroline Valenchon

Dynamic cable optimisation using genetic algorithm for lazy wave, tethered lazy wave and suspended configurations

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Paul Watissée

Tow-to-port operations for offshore floating wind farms: theoretical modelling informed by real-world insights

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Evert Wiegant
TU Delft

Best practices in FOWT modelling with a GPU-resident large-eddy simulation weather model coupled to OpenFAST

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Salma Yahiaoui

Life Cycle Assessment of a Floating LiDAR System for Offshore Wind Energy

Atsushi Yamaguchi
University of Tokyo

The design wind seed and air density in mixed climate region

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Busra Yildirim
DTU Wind and Energy Systems

Surrogate Model Based Time-Domain Design Optimization of Floating Wind Turbines
